Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shoulders, shoulders, shoulders!!!!

Here's what everyone is waiting for....a good ol' fashion shoulder workout.

#1) Of course warm up your entire body with light cardio for at LEAST 5 minutes. Preferably 8-12 minutes!!!! The reason for this is to ensure that there is circulation going to your muscles, joints, tendons, brain, core...I think you get the picture.

#2) Warm up with 2 core excersices. The reason for THIS...if your core is engaged properly you will be able to lift more weight, more effecitively, and safer!

#3) Here begins the fun of our good ol' fashion shoulder workout

For the anterior delts: grab 2 sets of dumbells with 1 set being a weight that is "comfortable" and the second set of weight being challenging, but not impossible.
*Front shoulder press. 4 sets X drop sets.
Front shoulder press is where your arms are parallel to each other, creating a 90degree angle and push the weights straight up
Drop sets is where you do as many as you can at the heavier weight until muscle failure and than you drop to the lighter weight immediately and do exactly the same exercise..until failure
*Front raises. 4 sets X 12reps. Good posture...even if that means going to partial reps!
Start with the weight in front of you resting on your legs and raise them up in FRONT of you, straight armed the whole way, to shoulder height...the more controlled the better the results!

The mighty medial delts: Grab 1 set of dumbells that are of challenging weight
*The Aronld press to burn out dumbell press 4 sets X muscle failure
Aronld press is a classic....imagine this. Sit or stand if front of a mirror. Grab your dumbells and put them in right in front of your eyes, palms facing your face, and arms creating a 90degree angle. Laterally move your arms, rotate your palms, and press the dumbells up at the same time. Ending position should be arms straight up over your head, palms facing the mirror.
Do the Aronld for 10 reps and than continue the rest of the set with normal dumbell shoulder presses to muscle failure!!!!!!

The sexy rear delts: Get ready for a super set on this muscle! You can use free weights, cables, or bands.
*Reverse flies, bent over 4 sets X 15
*Rear delt row, bent over 4 sets X 15

If you need clarification on these...please email me at either or

Have fun with that!!!

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